What are the precautions for elevator installation?
Release time:2023/4/24   Click :

1. Relevant safety signs and warning signs should be set up at the work site, such as "No Entry", "No Use", "No Smoking", "Pay Attention to Safety", "Beware of Falling", "Stop Maintenance" and other safety signs at the main entrance and exit of the elevator; Set up safety barriers at the construction site and landing doors. If there are no obstacles, there must be someone in charge. No one else is allowed to enter.

2. Ensure sufficient lighting in the workplace. Maintain a clean and smooth workplace; Materials need to be stacked neatly and stably to prevent collapse, injury or foot pricking; Oily cloth needs to be stored in designated containers and cleaned regularly.

3. During work, no noise or pranks are allowed; Do not drink or spill alcohol during or before work; Smoking is prohibited during work; Vertical multiple operations shall not be carried out in violation of regulations. Concentrate your work spirit. When you feel exhausted, you should ask for cooperation. Before each operation, stop and think about it, and make sure the operation is correct before proceeding.

4. When the safety of others is involved in work, safety measures such as safety switches, buzzers, walkie talkies, etc. should be taken. Only after confirming the safety of the other party can work begin, and timely warning and monitoring should be given. When two people work together, the operation should only be carried out after both parties reply to instructions through a phone call.

5. Use tools correctly and operate according to regulations. Be careful when transferring tools, materials, and parts, and do not litter them. The disassembled parts should be placed correctly to prevent injury and fatigue. Parts and tools are not allowed to be placed on roadsides, supports, scaffolding, and moving parts. Be careful of debris, protruding nails, and sharp objects during work to avoid damaging easily overlooked parts such as the head or toes.

6. During work, do not leave your position without permission and do not enter dangerous places without permission. If you leave or enter something, you should make arrangements and give instructions.

7. It is prohibited to stand between the car door sill and the landing door sill, as well as between the I-beam (channel steel) used to separate the shaft and the car roof. It is prohibited to operate the landing door probe, lean out of the tunnel to the car roof, or step on rotating and moving parts for operation. It is strictly prohibited to enter the elevator landing as soon as it is opened. To see the position of the elevator car clearly and prevent the elevator from landing. Do not enter or leave the car without stopping. It is strictly prohibited to short-circuit the internal and external door lock circuits and safety circuits of the running elevator. When maintenance is indeed necessary, ensure that the internal and external doors are closed, take preventive measures and pay attention to ensuring safety, and disconnect the connectors in a timely manner after completing the work.

8. During elevator maintenance and inspection, it is prohibited to carry passengers and goods. When repairing, cleaning, and refueling the rotating components and parts of the elevator, the elevator should stop running. Regularly check insulation and be careful to prevent electric shock. Live working is strictly prohibited unless necessary.