Quick Questions and Answers from the State Administration of Market Regulation regarding the New Regulations on Elevators (1)
Release time:2023/4/24   Click :

1. Regarding the installation of IC cards in elevators

Q: Is it illegal for the security company to upgrade the elevator's IC card controller without elevator maintenance qualifications? The upgrade here did not change the original route of the elevator, but only upgraded the elevator IC card control board.

Reply: Article 22 of the "Special Equipment Safety Law" has clearly stated that the installation, renovation, and repair of elevators must be carried out by the elevator manufacturing unit or its authorized unit that has obtained corresponding permits in accordance with this law.

Q: When adding an IC card system to an elevator, it is necessary to control the buttons. If the control circuit of the IC card system needs to be connected in series to the original elevator button, is this type of installation a general repair or a major repair?

Reply: The Notice of the State Administration of Market Regulation on Adjusting the Classification Table of Elevator Construction Categories has clearly stated that it is a general repair only by connecting wires around the button periphery; Using methods other than peripheral wiring on the button is considered a major repair.

Q: The inspection report of the product equipped with an elevator energy feedback device provided in the market is "the connection between the device and the elevator is the three-phase AC terminal of the main switch and the DC bus terminal of the AC frequency converter, which is not involved in the control of the elevator during operation". May I ask if installing such an energy feedback device in the elevator is a renovation? Is it a major repair?

Reply: The "Classification Table for Elevator Construction Categories" has clearly stated that adding automatic rescue operation (power outage automatic leveling) devices, energy feedback energy-saving devices, card readers (IC cards), etc., and changing the original control circuit of the elevator belong to renovation.

Q: For old residential areas built before 2017, elevators are now installed to directly enter households, and there is currently no rescue channel. Can the elevator pass the local government acceptance?

Reply: The Implementation Opinions of the General Office of the State Administration for Market Regulation on the Relevant Requirements for Elevator Rescue Channels in the "Regulations for Elevator Supervision, Inspection and Regular Inspection - Traction and Forced Drive Elevators" (TSG T7001-2009, including Amendment No. 2) (Shi Jian Te [2018] No. 37) and the "Letter from the Special Equipment Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation on Clarifying the Relevant Requirements for Elevator Rescue Channels" (Special Unit Letter [2019] No. 2) have been clarified.

Question: In elevator installation, the elevator installation company arbitrarily changes the installation plan and changes the elevator floor door settings after filing and notifying. Does the special inspection center conduct acceptance checks on the setting of landing doors during elevator acceptance? Can the special equipment supervision department supervise the illegal behavior of elevator installation enterprises during elevator installation?

Reply: The inspection agency should carry out supervision and inspection as required. According to Article 57 of the Special Equipment Safety Law, the department responsible for the safety supervision and management of special equipment shall supervise and inspect the production, operation, use units, and inspection and testing institutions of special equipment.